Book presentation

Book presentation: Hella Pick Unsichtbare Mauern. Autobiographie (original English title: Invisible Walls: A Journalist in Search of Her Life)

Museum Dorotheergasse
© Czernin Verlag
When Hella Pick came to London with a Kindertransport in March 1939, she only knew one word: Goodbye. But in the face of adversity, she becomes one of the first female journalists in the foreign policy department of a world-leading newspaper. Her autobiography is the extraordinary life story of a unique woman who broke down all the invisible walls in her life – as a journalist, as well as a refugee child.
In her more than 35 years as a diplomatic correspondent, she wrote about the Cuban Missile Crisis and John F. Kennedy’s assassination, traveled to Moscow with Richard Nixon, reported there on the collapse of the Soviet Union and became friends with Willy Brandt. Hella Pick is a pioneer for all female journalists. But the strong uprooting of her childhood still shapes her today and the search for security has accompanied her throughout her life. This is an extremely open and honest book about the unique will to defy all odds and find her place in life.
Hella Pick, born in Vienna in 1929, is an Austro-British journalist. From 1961 on, she worked for the British newspaper The Guardian as a UN correspondent in Washington, as well as in the paper’s international 

news department. She is the recipient of numerous awards, e.g., Commander of the British Empire and the Golden Cross of Honor of the Republic of Austria.
Welcome address:
Dr. Barbara Staudinger, Director Jewish Museum Vienna
Benedikt Föger, Czernin Verlag
Introductory words:
Dr. Helga Rabl-Stadler
Dr. Hannes Androsch

Dr. Barbara Staudinger in conversation with Hella Pick
Free admission as of 6:00 p.m.

Advance booking is essential: Tel.: +43 1 535 04 31-1510 or e-mail:

The event takes place in compliance with the currently valid Covid-19 regulations.