
Panel Discussion: Love and Sexuality in Judaism

Museum Dorotheergasse
© Benyamin Reich
Israeli photographer Benyamin Reich and German rabbi Netanel Olhoeft discuss love and sexuality in Judaism.
The photographer Benyamin Reich was born in Israel in 1976 into an ultra-Orthodox Jewish family. After turning away from the morally strict and socially segregated community at the age of 16, he became interested in art, especially photography. Following his studies at the École national supérieure des beaux-arts in Paris and the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem, he began his artistic career with various exhibitions in Israel and Germany. In most of his works, Reich tries to rediscover the strict religion of his childhood and the ideas of holiness and divinity derived from it in the modern world and in nature. For this purpose, he mostly uses portrait photography, with the help of which he wants to combine extremes and opposites, including: physicality (sensuality) and spirituality, the sacred and the secular, nature and humanity. Reich has lived in Berlin since 2009.
Netanel Olhoeft, born in Berlin in 1994, is a research associate in the Department of Halakha at the School of Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam. He was ordained as a rabbi in 2020 by Zacharias Frankel College (Potsdam). He additionally studied at the Ponevezh Yeshivah, Bnei Brak, Israel (Talmud), the Humboldt University of Berlin (philosophy) and the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, Los Angeles. His main areas of interest are the Mikraot Gedolot (the medieval commentaries on the Hebrew Bible), the Talmudic and rabbinical canon of texts, analytical philosophy, as well as ancient and classical European literature. Rabbi Olhoeft is currently serving in Oldenburg as a temporary replacement. He also works as a freelance author. One of his central concerns is the deepening of Jewish education in existing Jewish communities.
Free admission as of 6:00 p.m.
Advance booking is essential: Tel.: +43 1 535 04 31-1510 or e-mail:

The event takes place in compliance with the currently valid Covid-19 regulations.